Hausberg Family Night
Just because the sun went down doesn't mean the action has to stop. Our Hausberg Lodge is equipped with a pool table, ping pong, ski movies, music, a full-service bar and more. Price includes transportation and sled rental. Available mid-December through February based on snow conditions. This sledding takes place in our backyard slope and is meant for children and families. This is a nice relaxed outing after a day skiing or sightseeing to enjoy a drink by the fire and watch the kids sled at night.

Winter Tour Schedule 2024 / 2025
Valid November 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025 / *Note all tours and times are subject to change
Day | Tour | Time | Adults 15 and up | Child 5 - 14 | Infant 0 - 4 |
Monday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Tuesday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Wednesday |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |
Thursday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1000 - 1500 |
$47 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Friday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1800 - 2200 |
$52 |
(13 years and older) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Saturday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
1800 - 2130 |
$12 |
$12 |
$12 |
Sunday |
0830 - 1700 |
$60 |
$30 |
$20 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |